Congratulations for finding my story today! I am hoping it will change your life? ACS, was on the brink of losing their biggest customers, because they couldn’t complete work on time. This account was bringing in over $10 million dollars a year. Needless to say, losing this customer would devastate the company. I was assigned…
Category: Daily Prosperity
Two is never enough
Over 10 years ago, a guy told me that two was the only way to go. I was intrigued with the idea. I had a little extra cash so I got me two. I couldn’t believe how much better life was with two. I was lots more productive. Luckily I have had the resources to…
Fear is keeping you poor
Fear keeps most people poor. Sadly it’s the companies that fear putting a variable pay system, also know as pay for performance in place. Variable pay is where companies pay you more if you work hard and produce more. Many sales professionals are paid this way. All doctors and dentists are paid this way. They…
I HATE managers
I’ll say it again, I hate managers. Well more specifically Management Ego. You know where the manager says “Do it my way!” and thinks, “Because they made me the Manager, and pay me more than you, I am right.” A that point I have to get out the shovel because I have to dig my…
Does pay affect performance?
HELL YES IT DOES!!! Everyone works to survive first. The problem is people can’t really get started on other motivations until necessities are met. Once the basic necessities are met, then motivation will change. Do a bit of research into Maslows hierachy of needs. Another interesting conversation about motivation can be found in Daniel Pink’s…