WordPress formating troubles

I talked to a person today on twitter who spoke Dutch. I helped him with a problem with the formatting of texts in posts. I have had this problem several times also. If you are posting in the visual editor. Which I believe most of us do and you start having a problem with the…

Top 10.5 twitter helpers

Top 10 Twitter tools to help dominate Twitter! There are tools out there to help you on twitter. I did a search to for tools and these are some I came up with 1. Twitter Karma This is one of my favorite. for making a bunch of changes at once. 2.Twitter Grader The Twitter grader…

You can make money with twitter

This is the real question businesses are asking or at least they should be asking. After a month in the twitter trenches here is my opinion. About a month ago a client asked if I could integrate automated twittering tool into their software.   I had heard a bunch about twitter and decided to learn a…

Adding New Categories to Site

I am going to Focus on Two areas as I post information to this Site.  The primary focus is going to web technologies and how it can help your business make more profit.  If the technology isn’t going to make you more money it really isn’t worth the time to do. The secondary focus is…

How to add mixpod to your wordpress.com account

In This blog post today I am going to explain how to put of the cool mixpod players into your WordPress.com account sidebar. This is a result of a question that was asked on twitter by @itmustbebritt. I am also posting this to show her how to do it. This of the coolest little things…