I am going to Focus on Two areas as I post information to this Site. The primary focus is going to web technologies and how it can help your business make more profit. If the technology isn’t going to make you more money it really isn’t worth the time to do.
The secondary focus is going to be how to apply motivational pay strategies. This is really what I am the best at. However I believe it is going to take five to 10 years to educate enough people to be able to focus on this full time. One of the keys to keeping Motivational pay strategies effective is proper tracking and web technologies are perfect for that. Most people don’t have to be educated on web technologies. They just need help setting it up.
Last night I was talking with my brother Mike and we were talking about focusing on what we are good at and writing about those things. That is were I got the idea to change my focus on the web. This site will focus primarily on Webtechonolgies and the dmgsouth.wordpress.com site will focus primarily on the motivational pay strategies.
ready, get set, go ….